Parse Bloomberg local response files and import the data in R. The PROGRAMNAME in use is auto detected: 'getdata' and 'gethistory' are supported.
RblParse(file, auto.assign = FALSE, env = parent.frame(), verbose = TRUE)
character string representing the local file to parse (see RblDownload
logical. Should results be loaded to env when using PROGRAMNAME=gethistory?
where to create objects if auto.assign = TRUE
logical. Should R report extra information on progress?
data.frame containing identifiers (rows) and fields (columns). NULL on failure.
list of xts objects. If auto.assign=TRUE the xts objects are loaded in env and the object names are returned. NULL on failure.
if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{
# Run RblConnect first
# Build a request file to download the daily closing prices of
# EURO STOXX Index from 2005-01-01 to 2015-12-31.
RblRequest <-
header = c(FIRMNAME = RblUser(),
PROGRAMNAME = 'gethistory',
DATERANGE = '20050101|20151231'),
fields = c('PX_LAST'),
identifiers = c('SXXE Index')
# Upload the request file
req <- RblUpload(RblRequest)
# Download the response file
out <- RblDownload(req$out)
# Import the data
data <- RblParse(out)
} # }