The request file is generated according to Bloomberg Data License Documentation. Refer to the Documentation to build the request.
RblRequestBuilder(header, fields, identifiers, overrides = c())
named vector of headers. E.g. c(FIRMNAME = RblUser(), PROGRAMNAME = 'getdata')
vector of Bloomberg fields. E.g. c('PX_LAST', 'PX_OPEN', 'PX_HIGH', 'PX_LOW')
vector of Bloomberg identifiers. E.g. c('SXXE Index', 'SX5E Index')
named vector of Bloomberg overrides. E.g. c('END_DT' = '20100101')
character string representing the request file. Upload it to query Bloomberg (see RblUpload
if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{
# Run RblConnect first
# Build a request file to download the daily closing prices of
# EURO STOXX Index from 2005-01-01 to 2015-12-31.
RblRequest <-
header = c(FIRMNAME = RblUser(),
PROGRAMNAME = 'gethistory',
DATERANGE = '20050101|20151231'),
fields = c('PX_LAST'),
identifiers = c('SXXE Index')
} # }